Calea Dunarii
Na Dunavu
Way of the Danube
Sobin Dorohoi / Rumunjska; Romania / 2013 / 13´
Sedmogodišnji dječak živi sa svojim djedom u malom rumunjskom selu uz Dunav. Roditelji mu rade u Beču i jako mu nedostaju. Njegov odnos s rijekom je poseban, stoga kreće na plovidbu s namjerom da pronađe roditelje.
A 7 years boy lives with his Grandpa in a small Romanian village by the Danube. His parents are working in Vienna and he misses them a lot. As he is having a special relationship with the river, he tries to connect with his parents and embarks on a journey on water.
Young Jury Award – Cinemed Festival international du cinema mediterraneen de Montpellier