My fathers truck

Xe tài Cúa bo

Kamion mog oca

My Father´s Truck

Mauricio Osaki / Brazil, Vietnam; Brazil, Vietnam / 2013 / 15´

Mai Vy jedan dan preskače školu da bi pomogla svom ocu oko putničkog kamiona. Ubrzo će se suočiti s grubom stvarnošću i različitim nijansama morala, i naučiti kako stvarno, izvan učionice, stvari stoje.

Mai Vy skips school one day to help her father with his passenger truck for hire. Mai Vy is soon confronted with shades of morality and some harsh realities as she learns how things, outside the classroom, really are.


International Grand Prix - Brussels Short Film Fest

Best Picture Award - Busan Int. Short Film Festival

Best Narrative Short - Cinequest Film Festival

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