The Screenwriter

Le Scenariste


The Screenwriter

Francois Paquay / Francuska; France / 2017 / 27´

Jonas je u problemu zbog nedostatka zanimljivog scenarija. Producent mu otkriva da je angažirao Loubrica, genijalnog scenarista koji i najgore smeće može pretvoriti u remek-djelo. Loubric dovodi u kušnju Jonasovu sposobnost pisanja, istovremeno otkrivajući novo područje interesa – Jonasovu ženu Helen.

Troubled by the lack of an interesting script, Jonas is told by his producer that he has hired Loubric, a genius script writer who is able to turn any rubbish script into a masterpiece. Loubric will push Jonas to the limits of his writing abilities, while also getting closer to his newest interest, Jonas’s wife, Helen.