U ime jagode
U ime jagode, čokolade i Duha Svetog
In the Name of the Strawberry, the Chocolate and the Holy Spirit
Karla Lulić / Hrvatska; Croatia / 2018 / 20´
Jedne nedjelje nakon mise svećenik Petar koji je predan svome pozivu poželi sladoled. Međutim, tome se protive slastičar i stanovnici sela, koji žele očuvati krepost svoga svećenika. On će pak učiniti sve za taj jednostavan užitak.
One Sunday after the mass, Petar, a devoted priest, feels a craving for some ice cream. Determined to preserve the virtue of their priest, the villagers defy his wishes. However, Petar will do anything for this simple pleasure, even at the cost of his faith.