
Anxious Oswald Greene

Tjeskobni Oswald Greene

Marshall Axani / Kanada, Canada / 2013 / 15´

Oswald Greene očajnički se pokušava osloboditi ubitačne tjeskobe. Posjećuje nestvarnu kliniku i predaje se u ruke slijepe bolničarke, muhe koja govori i ekscentričnog liječnika sa smislom za rimu.

In a desperate attempt to cure his crippling anxiety, Oswald Greene visits a fantastical clinic to have his fate thrown into the hands of a blind nurse, a talking fly, and an eccentric doctor with a knack for rhyming.


- 13 Awards including Best Short Drama & Best Direction - LEO Awards

- Best Short Film & Best Direction - LA Comedy Festival

- Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Sound Design & Best Visual Effects - Vancouver Short Film Festival

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