How I did not

How I did not become a piano player

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Nagrade / Awards:

- Audience Award for Best Short Film – Aspen Shortfest

- Premier Award – British Universities Film & Video Council Award

- Best Film (ex aequo) & Award Kinodromo for Best Performances – Visioni Italiane

Tommaso Pitta / Engleska / UK / 2014 / 18´

Ted je najnespretniji dječak na svijetu. Očajnički traži svoj poziv, ali ne nalazi ništa u čemu je dobar. Do promjene dolazi kada njegov otac donese kući stari čudovišni klavir.

Ted is the clumsiest boy in the world. Desperately searching for his vocation, he cannot find anything he is good at. The breakthrough arrives the day his father comes home with an old monstrous piano.